A.J. Fernandez

Raised in Cuba and steeped in the rich tradition of the Fernandez cigar legacy, AJ produces unparalleled premium cigars in Esteli, Nicaragua. Ensuring superior quality, the day-to-day operations are managed under the watchful eye of AJ and his father Ismael, with assistance from the rest of his extended family.

Through a fusion of inherited Cuban techniques and learned patience, Fernandez filler tobaccos are grown from prized seeds which are propriety only to his family, making them one of the hottest properties in the cigar industry today with high quality and flavourful cigars.

Each AJ Fernandez cigar is a unique smoking experience, a testament to AJ's talent as a tobacco blender. All components of each blend are selected based on strength, aroma and flavour in order to achieve a smooth and balanced smoking experience. From the Last Call to the Petit Corona, AJ truly is a master of the fine art of balancing a cigar, always finding that perfect sweet spot of richness and flavour.

Such is the quality AJ Fernandez achieved an industry first by being awarded No1 Cigar of the Year in 2019 by both the Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Journal.

Whether you’re looking to buy an AJ Fernandez Last Call cigar or a sampler pack, we have a wide range of AJ Fernandez cigars for sale in our online collection to suit every smoker’s preference, taste, and budget. 

Great for gifts, and perfect for novices and aficionados alike, cigars from AJ Fernandez deliver a sensational smoking experience every time. 

For fast UK-wide shipping and some of the cheapest prices in the UK, choose Buster Cigars when you next buy AJ Fernandez cigars online. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll happily point you to the perfect AJ Fernandez cigar for you!