Online Tobacconist UK
At Buster Cigars, we’ve got the cigar for you.
Whether you’re new or an aficionado, our extensive range of cigars makes us one of the UK’s leading online cigar shops and tobacconists. We guarantee a rich, flavoursome smoke with every cigar we sell. Take a look around at our cigars for sale online – we’re sure you’ll find the perfect cigar for you.
We stock hundreds of cigars in our humidor, ready to order online and ship across the UK. With cigars from Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico and the Dominican Republic, you’ll find famous brands from all around the world including A.J. Fernandez, Casa Turrent, Charatan, Oliva, Perdomo, Hiram and Solomon, Rocky Patel, Davidoff, Joya de Nicaragua and La Aurora in our online cigar shop. Find your favourite cigar or why not try something new?
Start your cigar smoking journey today
Here at Buster Cigars, we love sharing our passion for genuine high-quality cigars with our UK customers. Whether you’re looking to buy cigars online for yourself or as gifts, we’ve got a wide range of qualities, quantities, styles, and price points.
A good cigar makes the ideal gift to mark a special occasion. For wedding gifts, Christmas gifts, New year celebrations, and more, find your next gift today and order your cigar online from Buster Cigars.
From introductory packs to samplers, and one-offs, we stock a wide range of cigar purchasing options. At Buster Cigars online tobacconist, you’ll find everything from premium limited editions to mixer packs and tins of 10 everyday cigars.
We also have a range of pipes, pipe tobacco, and pipe accessories, as well as humidors, cigar cutters and lighters. Whether you need to pad out your own humidor with a few select single cigars or stock up with everything you need to start your cigar smoking journey, we’ve got everything you need at Buster Cigars.
Find your perfect cigar today
At Buster Cigars, we take pride in our dedication to customer satisfaction. That’s why we offer fast UK-wide shipping on all our online cigar store products. We’re also on hand to answer any questions and offer advice and recommendations. With decades of cigar appreciation experience, we have the expertise to help you find what you’re looking for.
If you have any questions about our online tobacconist and cigar shop collection or are just looking for a recommendation for buying your next cigar online, don’t hesitate to get in touch – we’re here to help you find your perfect cigar today.