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- Davidoff Nicaragua Toro Cello Cigar - Single Cigar
Davidoff Nicaragua Toro Cello Cigar - Single Cigar
Davidoff Nicaragua Toro Cello Cigar - Single Cigar
In the pioneering spirit of Zino Davidoff, Davidoff Master Blenders sought out a new blend that would stimulate both bitter and sweet taste buds. They finally found it in Nicaragua, where the earth is infused by the fiery activity of volcanoes.
The elegant Nicaragua Toro is spicy and peppery at the beginning, before evolving into a pleasant smoke with the familiar delight of the dual Davidoff sweet and dark bitter chocolate notes.
The Davidoff Nicaragua begins with white, peppery notes, joined by typical Nicaraguan stimulation at the back of the palate. You will note the presence of spicy aromas with wooden and earthy flavours.
The cigar starts changing, growing milder, alongside the appearance of an enjoyable sweetness. The aroma becomes milder and flavours of roasted coffee beans and dark, bitter chocolate make themselves known. The cigar develops a creaminess at the end of the second third.
The cigar keeps building on the second third, delivering growing excitement and balance thus becoming the kind of smoking experience that only Davidoff can create. Time beautifully filled!
Length: 5 1/2"
Ring Gauge: 54
Strength: Medium - Full
Packaging: 1 Single Cigar
Format: Toro
Provenance: Dominican Republic
Enjoyment Time: 60 mins
95 /100
"...The Toro was our favorite, showing complexity, elegance and balance, with floral notes, hints of coffee and leather and a very long finish. This is a beautiful, elegant smoke that's a worthy addition to the storied Davidoff name. ..."
Cigar Aficionado Online
93 /100
"...Fine spices and acidic notes as well as a pinch of pepper accompany the nutty woody aromas of this medium-strength cigar. Coffee and almond notes, but also sweet note of dried fruits are present in the creamy smoke. ..."
Cigar Journal
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