Macanudo Cigars - Dominican

Buster Cigars Ltd | Online Tobacconist UK now offers Macanudo cigars. Produced today in the Dominican Republic, Macanudos are made with a flavorful Dominican blend and a select binder grown in the rich San Andres Tuxtla Valley of Mexico.

Macanudo has earned a reputation for consistency since its inception. The brand regularly makes quality cigars which appeal to enthusiasts with a wide range of palates and the brand continues to innovate with new blends. The newest line of Inspirado cigars shows Macanudo’s innovative spirit and a real finesse with fine tobaccos.

Macanudo is synonymous with quality and expertise in the premium cigar industry. For the social, the solo or even the unexpected moments, there’s a Macanudo cigar perfect for the occasion.

Macanudo began in 2014 with the passion to craft unrivaled premium cigars. For much of their history, Macanudo Café was a must-have cigar for beginners and experts, making them an icon in the industry.

But they didn’t rest on their laurels, after more than one year of development of the blend and packaging (under the auspices of the International Hand-Made Cigar team of Scandinavian Tobacco Group) they set out to create cigars that deliver a more complex profile, with intense flavours and sophisticated blends new to them and the industry as a whole. They evolved, and through that evolution, have arrived at a new identity altogether: a company with the experience to guide their unending innovation.