
Oliva Serie V Double Robusto Cigar - 1 Box of 24 Cigars


Oliva Serie V Double Robusto Cigar - 1 Box of 24 Cigars

The Oliva Cigar story began in the late 1800s, when Melanio Oliva started growing cigar tobacco in Cuba. His heirs carried on the family tradition in the fields, but it was his grandson Gilberto Oliva Sr. who began making cigars. 

Nicaraguan tobacco helped Oliva survive. The cigar that brought it to the attention of connoisseurs debuted in 2006: Oliva Serie V. Made by a small group of rollers and blended for strength and style, the Serie V line was an immediate hit. 


On the outside, a beautiful oily Sun Grown wrapper covers the Double Robusto Cigar from Oliva Cigar Co. Inside this impressive leaf, a powerful, yet smooth blend of aged Nicaraguan ligero from Nicaragua completes the package.

The Serie V is medium bodied, which at the start presents woody with roasted aromas. Its smoke is creamy and slightly sweet, then soft nougat, dark chocolate, and peppery spice unfold. What an escalation.

Five years in the making, this special cigar is sure to exceed a premium cigar smoker's highest expectations.

Not only does the Serie V Double Robusto hold an amazing 94 point rating from Cigar Aficionado, it also made their ‘Top 25’ cigars list a few times since it’s debut in 2007.

  • Strength: Medium-Full

  • Length: 5"

  • Ring Gauge: 54

  • Packaging: Box of 24

  • Origin: Nicaraguan

  • Burn Time: 70-80 minutes

  • Handmade


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