Regius Cigars


Regius Cigars Ltd was founded in 2010 by a small group of cigar enthusiasts in London. They entered a partnership with the leading cigar manufacturers of Cuban descent, based in the northern mountains of Nicaragua, employing over 500 cigar rollers. They produce elegant, hand-made cigars the old fashioned way with modern technology and advanced, innovative cultural methods.

Since conception, Regius Cigars have been highly credited by the world’s leading cigar-related journals and commentators, particularly Cigar Aficianado Magazine which recently rated Regius in their top 25 cigar brands on sale in the USA.

Every Regius cigar is individually checked before leaving the factory ensuring consistency of draw and construction. The Regius blend has been particularly well received by a new generation of hand-made cigar aficionados who favour a smooth and easy, yet complex, smoke.