Rocky Patel

Rocky Patel Cigars offer an impressive portfolio of more than 100 cigar lines, including the Grand Reserve, Number 6, and SIXTY Robusto, with new top-rated cigars regularly launched. Rocky Patel cigars are known for consistent construction, great looks and even better flavour!

Selling millions of cigars around the world each year, the exciting Rocky Patel cigar range is produced throughout Central America. Founded by the charismatic Rocky Patel in the mid-nineties, it is a relatively new brand that has gone from strength to strength with many popular ranges such as Rocky Patel Sun Grown, Rocky Patel 15th Anniversary, and the Rocky Patel Vintage Series.

Here at Buster Cigars, we have some of the most popular Rocky Patel cigars for sale including the Grand Reserve, SIXTY Robusto and Number 6 Robusto. For fast UK-wide delivery and some of the lowest prices in the UK, choose Buster Cigars next time you order Rocky Patel cigars online.

Whether you’re buying Rocky Patel cigars online as a gift or for yourself to enjoy, we’re sure you’ll find the right cigar for you. With a range to choose from, including the 15th Anniversary Edition and the classic Grand Reserve Toro, there’s a Rocky Patel cigar for every taste, preference, and price point. 

Not sure where to start? At Buster Cigars, we’re happy to share our decades of experience and enjoyment of cigars with all our customers. If you have any questions or want a recommendation, then get in touch today and we’ll help you find the perfect Rocky Patel cigar for you.